Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Revised learner profile ad

Revision suggestion: The poster ad she did is pretty good. What I like about it is that she displayed what she thinks about caring. Her images are very interesting and well put together. All of the images show something that represent caring. An example would be the recycling picture with the tree branch because people who recycle care about the environment and that's caring. Her image quality is also very nice. One thing she could of done better though is adjust the brightness so the images could be easier to see. Other than that, her Learner Profile advertisement in my opinion was nearly perfect. 
To revise this, I bumped up the brightness and contrast on the objects in the picture and the background. I also made the picture more vibrant and blurred the edges of the pictures to make them blend better. I also changed the text to "Helping others spread empathy" instead of "helping others to spread empathy/"

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