Wednesday, October 30, 2013

MYP Unit

Unit 2: Persuasive ImageryUnit Question: Does seeing mean believing?
Significant Concepts:
  • How to deduce bias from contextual clues (both textually and visually)
  • How to analyse and explain the use of design elements in advertisement
  • How to infer and explain gaze position/demographic/target audiences of media
  • How to recognize and deconstruct semiotics within media/advertisements
Area of Interaction: Human Ingenuity (what are the positive and negative consequences of our creations)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Still life

Objects and meanings:
letter from my mom- most important person in my life
hair brush-beauty
panda necklace- favorite animal and special
origami heart from my best friend- friendship
guitar picks-music
picture with my boyfriend- important person in my life
paint brushes-artist
volleyball-favorite hobby
graduation tassel-success
To create the still life pictures that represent me, I set the camera with an appature between f/8 and f/18, depending on the lighting. The shutter speed was also adjusted to compensate the appature to let in kore light or not. To edit the photos, I used the cropping tool, photo adjustments, exposure adjust ments, and color adjustments.
The object in my photo contain three things from the most important people in my life: my mom, my best friend, and my boyfriend. It also shows my hobbies which are painting, volleyball, and music. I take pride in the way i hold my sekf and present myself to the world, which is why i added the perfume, brush, and makeup. I work very hard in school and am driven by success, which is represented by the glasses and graduation tassel.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

object plan

necklace- fashion
paint brush- paitning
oragami heart

Video Response

Should images of models that have been photoshopped be labelled? Why or why not?
Photoshopped images of models should be labelled because they are examples of what girls want to look like. An impossible perception of perfection is being made with these images and young girls and women try to look like that. Self-esteem could easily be brought down when results are not showing the "perfect" body image shown in magazines and ads. Media has created this idea of perfection that is impossible. Why should the media have to tell young women what they should look like and  the perfect idea of beauty? Media should be promoting the idea that everyone is beautiful instead of an impossible state of what women should strive to look like.