Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Types of photos

 Backlighting: The source of light is behing the focused object and creates a silouette.

 Side lighting: the light source is being provided from the side of the image and creates a shadow on the other side of the object

 Angle up: The angle looking up to the pedal of a motarcycle creates a different view on the object

 Angle Down: the camera is parallel with the ground looking at an object below

 Rule of thirds: The bike tires are in 1/3 of the picture and creates a more focused object

 Reflection : there is a reflection of outside in the glass of the display case that holds the head dress

 Shadow: The main focus of the picture is the shadow

 Frame within a frame: the fence serves as a frame within the picture of the field

 pattern : the pattern on the door is the main focus of the picture

 Texture: the texture of the chipping wood is focused on in the picture

 Perspective: the window is shot at an angle that provides one point perspective

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Intro to Photography Class :)

Kaitlyn Ancell
The purpose of this blog is to post and explain all the pictures I take in this class. It can show my progress throughout the semeseter.
I do not know much about photography except that it is a type of art that does not use any type of median like paint.
I want to learn everything I can and photography and how the take the best pictures I possibly can and gain a photographer's eye.